/ Chemical burns
the chemical
mainly on eyes – rinse immediately with a large amount of running water
the affected area with large amounts of running water
or use the emergency application “Záchranka”
Using ice for cooling – risk of deepening the burn
Cooling a child by putting him or her in cold water may lead to a high risk of hypothermia.
Cooling with water from natural sources (lake, river) can cause infections
Quickly remove all jewellery (rings, bracelets, necklaces, etc.) which could cause strangulation of parts of the body with the progression of the swelling
In milder injuries, give pain-relief as needed
Cover scalded area with clean wet cloth, i.e. handkerchief, sheet or towel
Removing blisters
Covering the affected areas with non-standards materials (yolk, fat, ointments, toothpaste, etc.)
Using compress bandages
The non-for-profit association “Bolíto” (standing for “It hurts”) provides assistance to child burn victims, mainly in terms of psychosocial support. It was founded in 2003 by Lenka Šetelíková, head nurse, and Robert Zajíček, chief physician, from the Burn Clinic at Vinohrady University Hospital in Prague. Five years ago, the photographer Jarmila Štuková joined the team; she is mainly involved in creating prevention and awareness-raising campaigns