
90 % of burns can be avoided through prevention. Most happen in the bathroom and in the kitchen. Even a small change can make your home safer.

One cup of tea changed our life

In January this year, only one second was enough to completely turn our life upside down. Our little princess slept at her granny. It wasn´t the first time, she likes her granny. I forgot to give our little girl her drinking bottle. I knew she can drink from a cup and so I was sure they will figure it out. Also, I was unaware of how much pain and fear a hot tea can cause…

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A relaxed family Saturday

I would like to tell you my sons’ story. Last April, my little boy burnt himself with hot oil. At that time, I lived alone with my children. We were going through some hard times. Financially, but also our family situation was extremely difficult at that time. That Saturday, I was making lunch for myself and my children. Everything was fine…

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